About me Link to heading

Hi! I’m Andy Ferris, a software developer living in Brisbane, Australia.

My technical passions range from data science, data engineering and software design through to maths, physics, and information theory. These days I work at a start-up where we are building a platform to optimize businesses, and I face a wide range of challenges where I can extend and apply my skills. Previously I worked within a team of talented cloud engineers and researchers on a system to process petabytes of geospatial data, extracting features and detecting issues in power distribution networks worldwide. Prior to that I was a researcher in theoretical/computational quantum physics and quantum information theory, which was a lot of fun.

As you can see, I like computers and math and love learning new things! I also enjoy teaching, and am currently helping teach a course at the University of Queensland. I am also married to a lovely teacher, and we have three children which were the best products of my three postdoctoral appointments. Fun fact โ€” they were born on three different continents ๐ŸŒ๐ŸŒŽ๐ŸŒ

On that note, I love to travel and explore the world and nature. I also enjoy movies, books, cards & board games, beer, hanging out with friends and family, our pets, gardening, writing and cooking. When I was younger I spent a lot of time gaming, where I first learned the value of a hexeditor. (Of course, when I started playing computer games as a young child, you had to either type the program into the console in BASIC, or wait for the game to load… from an audio cassette!)